Friday, July 22, 2011

Part Two of the Train Story

A few of you sweet souls commented on Wednesday, “What happened? Did you find your husband?” I absolutely was not trying to leave y’all in a literary cliffhanger. No ma’am. What I can say, was in that moment my first reaction was to slap on a huge grimace, plop myself down, and roll around crying. I guess, sort of a 30 something year old mama-drama-tantrum.

Anyway, praise Jesus that is not what happened.

God birthed in me a new strength I never thought I had. I picked up my bags with determination. I had a new mission…to figure out what in tarnation I was going to do. I became swept away by all the other people piling into the Naples train station up ahead. I hurried up the escalator. I set my bags down at the top so I would have a birds-eye view of every track in that place. I tried to act as if I knew exactly what I was doing, but you guessed it, I didn’t have a clue.

Much to my surprise about 15 minutes later, when I was about to break into a real sweaty mess, my man hopped off another train. He had gone to the next stop. As soon as he had arrived, a second train came by, picked him up, and returned him to the Naples station where I was waiting.

In that moment, elation and fear collided. The juices in my stomach started to churn. I wanted to rip his head off for “him-hawing” on the train and leaving me alone.

But God…(don't you just love those two connection words)?

But God said, “No sweetie, no. Don’t carry anger and fear. Just remember the lesson I taught you here today.” My take away lesson was this: fill all the creases and cracks of your mind with God’s Truth. Pack it so full of Truth that there is absolutely no room for fear.

When we realize that because God himself is near and we don’t have to been anxious about anything, we will tap into the power of God like never before.



  1. Isn't it wonderful Kelli, that when we get into situations like that, if we allow God's strength to permeate us, we find that things aren't so scary after all? :-)

    I'm so glad you felt Him by your side!

    Have a Blessed Weekend!

  2. There's that phrase again - But God. Love it! I want to be so packed for of His Truth that there's no room for any of the enemy's fear. Glad you were safely and quickly reunited with your man. :) Many blessings!

  3. When we say BUT God there really is nothing else to say, AMEN

    Have a very wonderful and blessed weekend

  4. You apsolutley made me tear up, I want, no I CRAVE to be so filled up and overflowing with God's word that there is NO reason to fear or be angry about anything ever. Thank you for this great post.

  5. Wonderful that he was able to get it worked out.

    I want to be so full of God that there is no room for fear. Great post.

  6. Panic and fear turn into a later trust in God's mercy and love. Glad it all worked out.

  7. I'm glad you trusted Him with your fears and He gave David the wisdom to get back to you so quickly! Love you :)

  8. "...fill all the creases and cracks of your mind with God’s Truth. Pack it so full of Truth that there is absolutely no room for fear." Amen! Great lessons are sometimes learned the hard way! So glad your story had a happy ending :)

  9. MUITO BOM! Eu acredito que Deus criou o homem e deixou o manual de instrução, a “BÍBLIA SAGRADA!” A bíblia é a divina revelação da palavra de Deus e não produtos enlatados, eu costumo dizer que: “As pessoas precisam parar de comer tudo o que dão. E começar a questionar! ” Alguém escuta alguma coisa de alguém, e saem falando, sem questionar, sem saber se é verdade ou não. As pessoas precisam se perguntar! Será que a minha crença esta de acordo com a lei de Deus? Será que a religião que eu nasci sempre me falou a verdade? Quando uma pessoa morre pra onde ela vai? Ela volta? A bíblia apóia o homossexualismo? Quem não herdara o reino de Deus? O que devo saber sobre idolatria, imagens e escultura? O que devo saber sobre o único batismo? Será que tem uma seqüência para salvação? A quem eu devo me confessar, quem pode me perdoar? Religião salva alguém? Essas e outras perguntas e respostas em:
    Você pode dizer, eu já sou salvo amém! Vamos atrás de quem não esta, “Se você quer se dar bem com o mundo seja hipócrita, mas se você quer se dar bem com Deu seja verdadeiro!” divulgue este site, porque: “Eis que vêm dias, diz o Senhor Jeová, em que enviarei fome sobre a terra, não fome de pão, nem sede de água, mas de ouvir as palavras do Senhor. E irão vagabundos de um mar até outro mar, e do norte até ao oriente; correrão por toda parte, buscando a palavra do Senhor, e não a acharão." ( Amós cap 8 ver 11 e 12 )Fale para outras pessoas, por que “O Senhor não retarda a sua promessa, ainda que alguns têm por tardia: mas é longânimo para convosco, não querendo que alguns se percam, senão que todos venham a arrepender-se.” (II Pedro cap. 3 ver 8) e “Que quer que todos os homens se salvem, e venham ao conhecimento da verdade. Porque há um só Deus, e um só Mediador entre Deus e os homens, Jesus Cristo o homem. (I A Timóteo cap 2 ver 5 e 6)
    Seja sua bíblia, católica ou evangélica, aqui você vai tirar suas duvidas.
    E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertara (João cap 8 ver 32) Se você tiver coragem de perguntar, a bíblia terá coragem de responder!
