Monday, August 23, 2010

"The New, The Old and The Truth" by Heidi Avery

I get really excited about nearly anything “new.” And, this week I’m bubbling completely over with all kinds of new…

new crisp curriculum,

new anticipated school year,

new do-able routine,

new innovative methods (for said new routine),

and a brand spank’n new attitude!

Needless to say, I could hardly wait to dive right on into all of that shiny newness this morning. The day did not disappoint either, we all thoroughly enjoyed our first day of school and I do believe all that “new” will splash right on over into tomorrow and onto the rest of the week as well.

The only hard thing about all things new is that they eventually lose their luster and often much quicker than I like. Old, invariably inches away, slyly moves in and on a collision course heads straight for my new.

Ah, as with all new things in life the old marches in and a destined slow down in momentum results. I become a tired, weary mom short on patience and high on an attitude of the most unfavorable kind.

So, at the end of this unspoiled day I find myself pondering, what is and what is to be and how I might extend the sparkle on all this day-old “new” that I’ve got going on.

Ya know the reality of it is I can’t stop things from getting old. I also can’t keep from feeling tapped out, worn out and burned out. It’s going to happen and when it does I have a tendency to get discouraged, trip right over my own feet and fall head first, into the slimy pit of despair.

I hate the slimy pit of despair.

It stinks down there and my mind reels with negative, spirit crushing, failure reeking thoughts. I also hate that Satan is claiming victory over me while I’m in that dark abyss. He knows right where to poke me with that little fiery-pitch fork of his and it seems to work every time.

So, the question I must consider is not necessarily how to keep the “new” feeling new, but moreover how to best deal with the old when it comes around, as it surely will. I can counter the inevitable with some God-filled truths IF they are kept close to me at all times…

  • I am God’s girl (John 1:12)
  • My weaknesses = His strength (2 Cor. 12:9)
  • His loving kindness is new each day (Lam. 3:22,23)
  • My heart is guarded by His peace (Phil. 4:7)
  • His Word provides endurance, encouragement and eternal hope for me (Rom.15:4)

Father, maintain me, keep me new and alive with your truth coursing through me. I can handle anything because I am yours and you love me. My race is after you and my pace set by you. Let me not forget that this place is fleeting and know my desire above all things new is to magnify you in my every thought and in my every action. May you be glorified through me God.

1 comment:

  1. I love it and I love the verses! Perfect. Encouraging. I have been apprehensive about the start of a new school year too. The kids are in school now...we are all adjusting. When I dropped off the girls this morning, one of the moms pulled me aside and said she and several other moms were going to pray for our children (they do this every Tuesday). I hesitated because the morning started off less than spotless. I went and what a blessing. An hour praying with other moms. Praising God. Thanking God for our kids! A bunch of moms with nothing in common other than our love for Christ. Once again, a small interruption yielding God-sized results!
